I also would to talk a little about all the suggestions I got from people who read my blog. Thanks a lot guys and gals!
Danish Teachers and Class Discussion
I think I have talked a little about this earlier in my blog but I will revisit the classroom. Being a teacher here in Denmark would be a rough job. I have a few teachers and for english and one of my spanish classes I have the same teacher. The teachers job is almost the same as at home, meaning they teach the class the materials given to them by the school. Many differences are present though. Teachers do not hold the power of giving detentions. If you are bad they will tell you to leave class. I have not seen anybody do the wrong thing though, other then a kid who drank a beer in class and the teacher gave him a look, but thats about all.
I do not have a favorite teacher, and I don't really talk to most of my teachers. I talk to my English/Spanish teacher every once and a while. Teachers also do not have their own rooms, so finding a teacher can be very difficult, and they can go home whenever they want, including during class, so it can be difficult to contact them about class. I have a teacher who every class writes five questions on the board and then leaves for an hour and comes backs and lets us leave.
I think school is easier here then at home, although it is really hard to tell. I try to do my work but it is very very difficult to translate and then do the work. Right now my favorite class is Biology... not because I know the material well, but I feel like it is the one class I really try to do work in, because we do reports and research often. I like the teacher and I have a few of my good friends in that class.
When I come back to America
That is such a long, yet short time away. I will be pursuing music of coarse. I hope that the knowledge of real life I am experiencing here will help me stay realistic in my journey. I have met a lot of very happy people here, and I have discovered why they are so happy, although it is not on a personal level.
I have thought a lot about maybe coming back and living here in Denmark some time in the future. This country could use more bassoon teachers... because although I have a lesson "almost" planned, it has taken this long to get one. WOW!
Explain why the Danes are happy then if it is not on a personal level.
The standards. They are lower I think. The individual decides how far they want to go in life... and I think most people don't regret not going further. I am not sure this is a good thing... but it seems to be why they can relax so much easier.
I agree. From my personal experience I think that it is because it is completely their choice. They can choose to continue their education or stop. No one pressures them - they do what is best for them. They take the responsibility seriously (or at least the people I konw, do).
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