I am now back in the swing of life after a wonderful trip to Berlin. I am happy to say I am still alive and well. My second date never did happen because she had to go visit her friend in the hospital the next night. I am relieved that we have talked since then and she says that her friend is okay.
In Berlin I saw tons of stuff. I travelled with Tove, Gustov (contact adults) and their 3 daughters and boyfriends of those daughters. It was very fun and we relaxed and soaked up the wonderful sun, which we still do not get in Denmark.

In the picture above you see me with the just a few of the folks we hung out with. Danish people will never change...

We did do our fair share of tourism. We walked everywhere all over Berlin. This is me at checkpoint charlie and it cost 2 euros to get my picture with these two random strangers, but I guess it was worth it. Unfortunately Gustov is not the best photographer and most the photos of me are full body and really far away looking.

Artists at work. I think this really represents Berlin and Europe really well. In Europe is where the first real graffiti started with throw ups. I am pretty sure this was legal though as he was pretty well set up and it was day time. You can find graffiti all over Berlin.

These are the gates in Berlin and there are two sides. At these gates there were lots of big concerts, two while we were there. I think it represents Berlin because there are these types of statues everywhere.

This statue was given from Denmark to Berlin... I think. I should look that up I guess.
Well, in a way of saying it, I had a really good time in Berlin and would recommend Berlin over Amsterdam any day of the week. There is no way you could see it all in even a month. There is way way too much to see. I have another 200 pictures and movies of this trip.