So yesterday I went out with the AFS-Denmark contact from this location (not Tove). We went to go get a bike, but we did not find one. We drove a half hour to Ribe, the oldest city in Denmark, and there were no used bikes in any of the 3 stores we looked in. I think this is ok though and we are going out tomorrow to look in Vejen. While in Ribe, I ate a very nice meal at a s
Ox meat. We ate outside and listened to her husband play jazz, which was ok, but the group was a wee bit out of tune. It was basically the most fun I had all week. I also visited the big church there which is in the picture... I did not take that picture by the way.
Tonight I am eating pizza and then we are going up town Vejen to go to an all night party thing. I don't know what it will be like, but it is a town party where everyone goes to different stalls and there is lots of beer to try. I will have a full report tomorrow night, because tomorrow during the day I am looking for the bike.
Please leave more comments peoples. I love you all and I want to here from you guys!
i am listening. it sounds like fun!
ok, yep
Hey Kyle, holy toledo your brain is going to be so full of information by the end of this. sounds like it's all going well, all night parties and whatnot! Sorry i haven't posted until now, Vic just gave me the address. Hope the danish starts to make sense soon, i'd like to hear a whole sentence when you get home, which can include up to 70% curse words. Those are the ones that will really get you by. I remember in Taiwan we used to sit around for hours while they filled my vocabulary with filth while eating the local food....ahh good times. xoaud
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