Saturday, February 7, 2009

Winter Holiday

Once again I enter winter holiday.  That is right folks, I get to have another.  This one, unlike Christmas, is only one week long.  We have only had one true snow this year where I built the snowman shown in the image to the left.  He is a very good snowman though and he still lives right outside my window although he only is a base.

Back to winter holiday chat.  I have not decided quite yet what to do with my time.  Most people including my brother Boris have all taken leave to go out on skiing trips all week long in a few different countries, unfortunately I did not hear about these trips and so I am one of the few people remaining at home.  I think I will practice bassoon all week as there is nothing else I can do.

I have however gone ice skating, as I am not sure I have mentioned yet.  I basically taught other AFS students how to skate and I am very bad at it now.  Here when they mention going ice skating it means outside.  I have not seen an ice hockey rink nor have I heard of a club or team.  The ice is never zambonied and it is very difficult to skate on, to the point where I almost fell.  I plan on going again soon though.

Now I am afraid I must return to my first viewing of Sweeney Todd.  I must say that I is looking pretty good so far although the rate at which the movie is loading is quite slow.  I strongly suggest renting it if you like the darker and richer types of pictures like Edward Scissorhands.


Francine St. Laurent said...

ice skating is so much fun! I think it's so funny going with my pals from South America.. i have the upper hand :) haha.. but I'm used to un-zambonied ice rinks. looks like fun!

TheOhioCyclist said...

I am totally not used to them, and the skates... people just walk around on concrete with them all the time I'm sure. Sooo dull.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kyle,

Glad to get caught up with your blogs, which we really like receiving. We're in Fla. now and finally have gotten our computers up and running. Sounds as though you're having really great and memorable experiences. We're especially glad that you were able to connect in England with Mike, Jackie, and maybe Claire, too. We miss you!
Love, Papaw & Gram, aka Adon & Kay (Now that you're older and you've become a "man of the world," we're not sure how you want to refer to us. We answer to anything.)

TheOhioCyclist said...

You will always be my papaw and gram. Just because I have been places doesn't mean you lose your grandparent designated names