- School begins at 7:55 am and classes vary depending on the day
- School lets out usually at 1 pm
- The bike ride between school and home takes about 10 minutes depending on which way the wind is blowing... on average getting to school is easier then getting home again.
- Once home I start boiling water in preparation for hot chocolate, I have not yet tried their coffee and don't think I want to start. I have been planning on asking them if they have tea, because that would be more healthy I think.
- I study (play games) on the computer with my cup of coco. It is very nice.
- I go to bed at about 11 pm each night, although I always am in bed at about 9 pm. Those 2 hours are spent talking with friends online. I have not yet mastered hanging out with them although I have tried.
Yes'm, It is very exciting living in Denmark. A tip for those going to other countries through any exchange program, don't expect to be treated like a tourist or guest for long. I was never a guest, and thus you do things for yourself. It is real life when you are abroad, and this does not mean it is exciting or full of activity.
Love all you guys reading my blog. I will soon post some fun pictures I plan to take at the school around my house place.
If you get this in time, 4:00 today my time is fine. I can't get on Facebook in school. It's blocked. Which is why I said email me. Otherwise... I'll be busy till maybe Tuesday at 1:00AM? I don't know. EMAIL me.
School's that short over there? Really? I seriously always thought other countries had longer school hours and were smarter than America. At least that's what I led to believe. So what's the truth?
I miss you!!! Hope you have.. wait had, it's like 7 over there now. I hope you had an awesome day!
I didn't hear about the studying and bassoon playing... have a bassoon teacher yet? Follow up please!
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