AFS had its fall camp last weekend. It was a weekend starting Friday after school and going until Sunday. The people who went to the event were people in our district and not everyone in Denmark. There were about 40 of us who met in Kolding (a town next to Kolding) for the event.
Through the camp we were devided into groups. Each group had responsibilities such as cleaning, this is because we were staying in a school and we had to clean up after meals and at the end of the camp. These groups also were the groups we studied with. The reason for the camp was to discuss good things and bad things for far on our journey. Then we discussed how to improve our stay. These group sessions were okay, but the main fun was just hanging out with the kids. We did a lot of dancing, and Saturday night the staff said we were allowed to stay up until 4 am... which I personally did not do. The meals were really good and I enjoyed the stay while I was away from home.
I love to Limbo!
Then on tuesday I went back to Kolding to go shopping with my exchange student friends. I was in need of a scarf and thought that it would be a lot of fun, which it was! Kolding is the 7th largest city in Denmark with a population of 55,596 people living within city limits. The town itself has grown as a seaport and has many industrial companies principally geared towards shipbuilding. Kolding is only a 30 minute train ride from Vejen, and the train ticket cost only 36 Kr. When we arrived we walked around some of the shops in the inner city, but eventually we boarded a bus and went to the mall. We ate pizza and I bought a scarf, so the day was well spent (you can see my scarf in the first picture).
Overall the last week was very fun. Upcoming events include vacation next week with the family car so we are traveling. I also plan on learning to knit the danish way (different from how we knit). I am learning the language quite well so far, but still have a ways to go before I am comfortable speaking. Grades are going well I think and I am attending classes regularly. Bassoon is going well and I do have a teacher although I am concerned about the cost. She gives longer lessons though, she said 2 hours or so... lol... yeah. I am still waiting for a camera from home to replace my now dead camera, one is coming soon. Piano is going well! Special Alert!!!! I am now in a music class in school. It is more like rock band class though. I play guitar and sing in a group of 6 of us, and the school sets us up with gigs. Fun stuff! I will get back to more posts later and give more information about the places I go.
Sounds awesome! Why did you need a scarf? I'm confused. Is that a normal thing guys wear over there? Though it does look good on you ;) What the heck! How many instruments do you play now?? Piano? Come on, you're already a musical genius!
Interesting to know.
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