ALSO!!! I now have a stat counter which gives me the IP address of each computer which views my blog as well as the number of times you view. After entering the IP into the proper websites I can track down where the computer is located and using my brain discover who is actually viewing my site. That is correct... I am watching you.
As everyone is aware, or at least I am very aware, Christmas is very soon. I hope you guys all know that I think quite often of everyone back home and that nobody has been forgotten. I think of my family, and that includes everyone in the family. Especially when it comes to thinking of the christmas season and the smell and feel back home. I think of my friends and how you guys have probably forgotten all about me... how you guys won't post on this blog because you guys don't read it. I even think of my teachers, especially Ms Shahin. I don't know if you ever read any of the emails I sent you Ms Shahin, but you are now featured in my blog. Thanks guys, and if you have enough time please leave a comment by pressing the small comment link right below this post. Thank.
PS - I also think of all the new friends I have. I strongly suggest you check out these links Francine St. Laurent & Jennifer Moore. These are two other AFS students from USA in Denmark. Note that they don't come from Ohio, or at all the same background as me. Francine comes from Alaska and Jennifer.... comes from where ever, her family has moved while she has been away.
Ha! Jennifer's family moved while she was in Denmark?! I guess this is as good a time as any to let you know your mother and I have rented out your room. We were going to move, but decided you'd probably track us down eventually and it really would be so expensive...
alright, I'm kidding. Kyle, you know how much you are missed by your family in Oxford. It will be even harder to cope with your absence during the Christmas season. But it's just for one year and the time will go by very fast this spring until you are back in the States. So don't get too sentimental; you will have a wonderful Danish Christmas to tell us about soon.
Is there such a thing as a "Thanksgiving" observance in Denmark?
I like the improvement to your blog, by the way. Nice job.
No one's forgotten you. People still talk about you here. "Remember when Kyle...", I hear that a lot.
I know what you mean about the sights and smells reminding you of home. My host sister went to visit her old host family in America. I asked her to bring back a can of pumpkin pie mix so I can make some for my Thanksgivin celebration. I got all sentimental over a can of pumpkin pie mix... It was pathetic.
Thanks for mentioning me in your blog :D! And for anyone who read your blog entry and the comments; my family moved during the summer while I was traveling all of the states. It's a long complicated story of my life. We will say I'm from the South since that is were I'm most at home.
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